Monday 17 September 2012

TPI response

To start things off, the results of my TPI test were as follows.

Nurturing was scored the highest(Dominant Perspective)
Apprenticeship and transmission were second highest.
Developmental and Social Reform were the lowest. (Recessive perspective)

I think Mathematics is a very intimidating subject. One of my goals as a teacher is to rid students of this intimidation factor and to inform them that making mistakes and going through failure happens to everyone  so providing a nurturing environment is key.  Lots of students lose self-confidence and self-esteem because of failure and making mistakes, but all of the most well known mathematicians have gone through several failures before achieving success.  Often times without failure there would be no success.  I think that is why I scored so high on the nurturing perspective.

I was surprised my developmental score was so low simply because I hope to be a teacher that gets to know my students on a personal level.  I want to be able to adapt to my students ways of thinking and their level of knowledge.  This is very important to me.  So I am not sure why I scored low?  Maybe I am just not as familiar as to how I should achieve this in a classroom setting?
I think I scored lowest on social reform because I put more emphasis on providing qualitative content in an effective and clear way rather then putting am emphasis on social values and ideologies.  I think Other disciplines such as social studies or English have an easier time of putting more value into social reform.  But again, I hope to learns ways in which I can use this in my lessons as I am unclear as how to do so currently.  The best thing about being a teacher, or becoming a teacher is that we are always evolving as we learn more.


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