Tuesday 2 October 2012

Micro Teaching Volleyball Lesson Plan

Bridge: "Have you ever wanted to join in on that game of volleyball at the beach but are to shy because your skills aren't up to par?

Objectives:  Students/athletes will be able to effectively "pass" or "bump" a volleyball using proper technique

Teaching Objectives: To provide an experience that is outside their comfort zone

Pre Test: Verbal check to see what athletes already know about volleyball in general, and more specifically
what they know passing technique.  (1 min)

Participatory Activity:  (6 min)
                              - First demo the correct form and why we use this technique
                                        - knees bent and shoulder width apart, thumbs down, minimal arm and leg motion
                                        - we use this technique because it provides the greatest surface area for the ball
                                        - and because the ball already has enough energy to pop off
                              -Shadow repetitions (no volleyballs)
                              -Real repetitions (with volleyballs)
                                        - athletes make a single file line and are tossed a ball with expectations of executing proper technique and the ball being passed back to the tosser.
                                        - progressions are, tossed ball, flat driven ball, hard driven ball  

Post test - verbal review of key points to proper passing technique(1-2 min)

Summary - wrap up of what was taught today, answer any further questions (1 min)

Variations - if athletes are advanced, get them to pass back and forth between each other or challenge them even more by tossing the ball in various locations (far left, far right, behind, in front)


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